Project Velocity for Spring Semester

First Iteration:
4 stories completed with a total estimate of 29 hours. The iteration took us roughly 50 hours.
Second Iteration:
6 stories completed with a total estimate of 42 hours. The iteration took us roughly 30 hours.
Third Iteration:
4 stories completed with a total estimate of 15 hours.  The iteration took us roughly 14 hours.

Meeting Logs

February 18
On the 18th, the played the planning game. Our customer decided on the user stories we should work on the beginning of this semester then the developers estimated them. The stories and estimations follow:

1. Volume control per grid square - 6 hrs
2. Tempo control (while playing) - 5 hrs
3. Save/load files - 12 hrs
4. Render to .wav format - 6 hrs
5. Play samples longer than 16th note - 4 hrs
6. Synchronize instruments properly - 4 hrs
7. Convert raw data to manageable form - 8 hrs

The stories the customer has asked us to work on this iteration are stories 7, 2, 3, and 6. The pairs for the beginning of this iteration are as follows:

7. Convert raw data to manageable form - Ed, Jason
3. Save/load files - Colin, Toby
6. Synchronize instruments properly - Andrew

February 21
Last night, Feb. 21st, we had our first coding session of the second semester. Toby wasn't able to attend, but everyone else got some good work done. Here's the wrap-up:

Jason and Ed:
Wrote code to convert byte array to int array where each int is the value of one sample in the sound file. The solution thus far incorporates multi-channeled files, different sample sizes, and big/little-endianess. The code has yet to be fully tested. The next steps are: convert to floats, operate on floats, and convert back to bytes.

Worked on a spike for saving/loading sequencer state into a file. Added toolbar buttons for Save and Load. Save and Open dialogs pop up when their respective buttons are pressed. A majority of the sequencer state is saved/loaded to/from the user-selected file. The sound data is not yet saved or loaded.

Got the instruments to synch correctly, and added the ability to add instruments during playback. The solution sets up a default line that gets swapped out when additional instruments are added during playback. The drawback is a click heard when the default line gets cuts off (even though only zeros are being placed on the line). Also, the code is ugly (need refactoring).

February 25
We finally got everyone together on Feb. 25th and got down to business. The first subject, however, was a new spike. Andrew, reading his "Refactoring" book, came up with an idea to shorten our thread class a great bit by abstracting the sound data into its own class. We all thought it was a good idea and since he finished the bug fix (synchronization), we all decided he should work on it. Andrew suggested that once our current stories get finished, we should see how close or how off our initial estimates were so we can plan better in the future. Here's the break-down on everyone:

Jason and Ed:
Figured out format conversion doesn't work using Java Sound guru's code. We're not sure where the fault lies, but we cannot convert formats using the quick and easy two statement method. Code to move byte array into int array might be ready to test, yet still not sure the best way to test it.

Colin and Toby:
Colin introduced Toby to the code. Commented a great deal of the save/load code. Came up with a possible fix of the close bug submitted late last week. They also found another possible bug in the load code Colin wrote last Wednesday.

Refactored (technical term: extracted class) the InstrumentThread class. Created AudioData class to hold more than half of the code previously in InstrumentThread. The code needs more refactoring, even though it's getting less ugly all the time. He got the sounds to play using the AudioData class.

February 28
On the 28th of Feb. the Music Sequencer group got together again. While Andrew was late (proctoring a 225 test), the rest of the group struggled to find direction. We ended the night with a bit of progress, thought not up to our former efforts, unfortunately.

Jason and Ed:
Stole code from Tritonus (don't worry it's LGPL'd). Modified it to fit our format conversion needs. Added accessors to work with their functions. Once again: we are ready to test. BTW: anyone have ideas on testing this?

Colin and Toby:
First closed bug: improper shutdown. Andrew, the customer, signed off on it before it was closed. For next time: assign the bug to someone before closing it. We live, we learn. They also figured out that the previously mentioned "load bug" is not reproducible. More investigation will be done.

Did more massive refactoring of InstrumentThread. Got setInstrument() method down to 8 lines during the refactoring. The code is flexible and workable, but more optimization needs to be done because the threads are getting out of synch when a new AudioData object is created.

Ed (again):
Overused the colon punctuation operation in his "Tracker" write-up. Maybe it's just late.

March 4
We got together on Sunday, March 4th for our fourth coding session this semester. Some good progress was accomplished:

Ed (Jason was mysteriously absent):
Added functionality to the ConversionTest spike class so it could convert from float to byte (borrowed code). Added function to modify volume of a float sample array. Tested these enhancements by playing "ding" at 5 different volume levels. Efficiency (and therefore the amount of needed optimization) has yet to be determined.

Colin and Toby:
Checked out Andrew's code (see Andrew). Added a "manager" class named Sequencer that will store all the sequencer information (and might replace a lot of the functionality in MenuBar). Their code compiles, but doesn't run. Working on this refactoring to enable save/load stories on this iteration.

Checked in AudioData and InstrumentThread files. He says they're 98% good. Added a tempo slider that sometimes blue screens. This behavior is still under investigation. When not crashing the system, the slider works and looks pretty.

March 7
Wednesday March 7th, the last full meeting before Spring Break, went well. Progress was made, and it looks as though our first iteration (scheduled to conclude in our next meeting) will be on schedule. Since Jason is the only group member that will be out of town this coming Sunday, we are having what will probably be our last meeting of Iteration One. Major refactoring is on the agenda, as well as some basic additional functionality in the Manageable Data spike. Wednesday's meeting went as thus:

Jason and Ed:
Cut out a bunch of code from the spike. This was facilitated by the customer saying that 24 and 32 bit samples need not be supported. Realized that all output had to be of one format, so got to work on that. Code now converts 8 and 16 bit, big and little endian, signed and unsigned, mono and stereo clips all to 16bit, little, signed, stereo output. The last piece of this puzzle is converting 22kHz to 44.1kHz. That is planned for Sunday.

Colin and Toby:
Continued on SequencerState class. The big Refactorama II is brewing with their code.

Came up with some ideas on refactoring. Talked with Colin and Toby about refactoring a great bit. Informed Jason and Ed to the scope of the refactoring. Looked through all the code we have so far.

March 11
The beginning of Spring Break and four out of five were still around. We got together on Sunday and worked for 4 hours polishing up the system and getting it reqady for refactoring (still).

Added sample rate and mono->stereo conversion to the "manageable data" spike and it was pretty much production ready code. At the end of the session, merged the code with a local copy of the tree to find out if it all worked in the system. Found out that the synchronization problem is almost completely corrected with the new code. That is, not switching lines because all audio data is the same format reduces synch problems.

Colin and Toby:
Argued about refactoring for a long while, coming up with a plan of sorts. Also played with the "transient" keyword to see if we could have a serializeable class with unserializeable private members: we can. Worked some more on getting load/save up to speed.

Went through all the code we have now and argued about the refactoring as well. Realized after doing so, that a rewrite is not needed and a simple refactoring will dothe job nicely. Made drawings and plans for the big refactoring.

March 18
End of Spring Break and four out of five make it again. Colin is sick. Worked again for 4 hours in the nice and quiet (and empty) lab. Got major accomplishments (and major screwups), but overall the night went well. For next time: finish save/load and add tempo slider to the GUI toolbar and the corresponding functionality elsewhere.

Andrew and Ed:
Refactored to separate the GUI from the guts, worked on the GUI side of things. Changed the GUI components and remaned SequencerFrame to RiffDesignerFrame. Took out all the functionality from the GUI elements. Added conversion code (the spike) to AudioData and changed InstrumentThread accordingly. AudioData now only has one format and it is a serializeable object because we used "transient public static final". Whew. Ed also made a mockery of CVS, or himself. Screwed up some stuff, but eventually figured it out. We now have a "couple_gui_code" top-level directory that has nothing but crap in it. Yeah Ed.

Jason and Toby:
Refactored the other side of the system, the guts. Took everything cut out of the GUI and put it into the new RiffEngine and RiffState classes. Also created RiffDesigner as master class that will start both the engine and the GUI. Worked into the wee hours of the night (Andrew and Ed left at 12:30am and they were still working) on getting Save and Load to work with the newly refactored (and checked in) system. Did they check their code in when they were finished? We'll never know... No, they didn't (just checked).

March 21
Everyone was back this Wednesday, March 21st. We finished iteration 1 (finally) and now our project works in other operating systems (Linux). We put in 3 and a half hours finishing everything up and our next meeting will be another planning game for iteration 2.

Andrew and Ed:
Refactored AudioData and fixed bug that was causing the right channel of a 22kHz stereo sound to be muted. Added code to project and checked it in.

Colin, Jason, and Toby:
Made save load work on the new system incorporating the bug fixed by Andrew and Ed.

Andrew, Ed, and Jason (afterwards):
Put tempo into the GUI and made all the necessary changes to the different project files to make it work.

March 25
We all got together in Andrew's office and planned out the second iteration. We worked for two and a half hours.

We decided that the RiffEngine needs to be rebuilt this iteration. Unfortunately that will hold up development of the only three stories not accomplished in iteration 1. Volume, Play greater thatn 16th note, and Render to wav will all be pushed back until after the Engine Rebuild. We figured the Engine Rebuild would take about 16 total hours. Another task currently needed is System Tests. Now that we completely changed the running interface, tests need to be written to make sure everything works like it should. The Engine interface isn't going to be changed much in the future, so we can write these tests now and have them until the end of the semester. We figured 2 hours would be good to write the tests. Past those, we decided to plan for the second phase of the project. We will be lining up Riff Engines in a larger "Composer" interface. The important stories for the Composer are: Make grid entry, Load a riff engine, Play song. Because Load riff and Play song are dependant upon Make grid entry, we only estimated Make grid entry. The estimation was 8 hours. Aside from planning, we also checked our previous estimates. What was estimated to take a total of 29 pair hours took slightly over 50, so this iteration we are doubling our estimates. The breakdown follows:

Engine Rebuild -> 16 hrs -> 32 hrs
System Tests -> 2 hrs -> 4 hrs
Make a grid entry (Composer) -> 8 hrs -> 16hrs

The assignments for Wednesday are as follows:
Engine rebuild: Andrew and Jason
System test: Colin (Andrew might do some off the clock work)
Make grid entry: Ed and Toby

March 28
Started work on the second iteration. Some work was started before today off-the-clock, but not too much. Just enough to give us a good start this Wednesday.

Ed and Toby:
Started work on the Composer. Got about halfway with the first story of Make a grid entry. Lots of JFC knowledge and the book helped.

Andrew, Colin, and Jason:
Did something else. Anyone remember? I guess I didn't write it down...

April 1
This Sunday, April 1st, we met for two hours and got very far into iteration 2. Here's the breakdown:

Ed and Toby:
Worked on finishing up Make Grid Entry story. Works for the most part, but isn't that pretty. Started work on Load Riff. We had trouble with dependancies between palette and composer frame. Starting to hammer them out.

Andrew, Colin, and Jason:
Integrated Rhythm Event into everything. In RiffState, they added gets and sets for all needed values. Fixed a random problem with the file chooser and its constructor being void. Why does java let you do that!? Anyway, they changed the tempo meter to move between 60 and 200 bpm. It looks nice. They closed some bug, but didn't really tell me which one. They also checked all their code in without my help. Yippee!

April 4
Keep on chugging on iteration 2 with this Wednesday's meeting. Actually had three groups this time. Way to go us!

Ed and Toby:
Continued our mad GUI skills with Load Riff. Got it finished pretty quickly and started work on Edit Riff (or Edit Color of Riff). Ran into implementation issues when changing color and color not updating in grid. That's for next time.

System is now completely RhythmEvent based and it's sounds awesome. Started on Volume, didn't check in though. Also noted that a master volume is needed but no plans for it yet. Shouldn't be too hard, he thinks. Fixed a bug, but once again, he didn't tell me which.

Colin and Jason:
Started work on Save To WAV. Writing a method to do it all at once. They did some checking to see if JavaSound implemented this, but it wasn't clear. Also looked at a bunch of JavaSound documentation.

April 8
Continued work on iteration 2. It's coming along nicely, though today was a step backward for one group. Here's what happened:

Ed and Toby:
We broke everything. And I mean everything. We didn't try to compile Composer even once, because we messed it up so much. We worked on getting a decent design, because we were running into a lot of problems that couldn't be fixed. Started copying RiffDesigner design with Engine and State. It's looking pretty good, but still very messy. Hopefully it will work.

Checked in volume per grid entry code. Also got the saved filename to appear in the RiffDesignerFrame title bar.

Colin and Jason:
Worked on GUI elements for Save to WAV. Their code is writing to wav files, but they are getting mass exceptions. Something isn't going correctly. They're making progress, tho.

April 11
Getting very close in iteration 2. Only enough work for two groups this time. Is that a good thing?

Ed and Toby:
Finished Load Riff and Edit Riff Color. The colors in the grid now update. Most of our crazy design decisions are finalized and not too ugly. Still need to work on them.

Jumped on with Colin and Jason (see below).

Colin and Jason (and the Lazy Customer):
Got Render to WAV a lot closer. Wavs aren't coming out correcly, but they're not getting exceptions any longer.

April 15
Finished up Iteration 2. Amazing! Only two groups again. It's looking awfully nice, though. Here's the breakdown:

Ed and Toby:
We made Composer look pretty. We added row and column headers to the grid, as well. Added some sparse comments so people know what's going on next iteration. Made PaletteFrame thinner and line up correctly with Composer Frame. Clicking on PaletteFrame's close window button doesn't close it. Later this week I checked in our code with a massive reorganization of our CVS files. RiffDesigner and MusicComposer directories now, not just 'code'.

Andrew, Colin, and Jason:
Made Save to WAV work. Added permanent button for it. Master volume also got mysteriously added (Andrew). Removed the many instances of FileFilter subclasses and created a CustomFileFilter class that is now used in RiffDesigner, but not in MusicComposer yet. Checked it all in. Finito!

April 18
This is going to be our last iteration, so we figured out the final stories we're going to work on to make this a great project by semester end. Here's what we came up with:

1. Playback for Composer estimated at 6 hrs.
- get first bar
- add them up for all tracks
- get second bar (if all goes well)
- add toolbar class with play/stop button
2. Tempo estimated at 1 hr.
- slider and member variable
3. Set Playback Position/Monitor Playback estimated at 6 hrs.
- need GUI elements to tell where playback is
- need way to set playback position
- need to update playback position while playing
- need variable and functions for getting and setting
4. Set Track Volume estimated at 4 hrs.
- volume slider for each track
- functionality added to playback in Engine
5. Save/Load estimated at 2 hrs.
- GUI element
- same as in RiffDesigner

The Customer (Andrew) gave us priorities of:
1. Playback
2. Tempo
3. Playback Position
4. Save/Load
5. Track Volume

Starting next time, the groups will be:
Playback: Andrew and Colin
Tempo: POOF! (Andrew will finish this before next time)
Playback Position: Ed and Jason
Save/Load: Toby

April 22
Worked in the middle of a Sunday for a change. IT worked out well. Colin was mysteriously absent though.

Ed and Jason:
Put row and column headers into their own classes cause they now have added functionality. This will probably change because of the problems we ran into at the end of the session. Buttons clicks on the column header now highlights the column of grid cells. Need to find out when playback position changes in ComposerEngine, because polling it would be a bad idea. Ed talked with Andrew about this and did some investigating on his own. Observer iand Observable are what we want to work with. This will start before we meet again. It's actually one of the Design Patterns. Imagine that!

Got Save/Load to work. It's weird because each frame knows about the other, but it works. He checked in his code. This might actually be changed with the discovery of Observer, but I haven't consulted the group on this yet. Toby already did some good work.

Refactored RiffEngine because he didn't want to bring any design mistakes into ComposerEngine playback. Also added functions for getBarOfData, possibly with a volume paramter, to RiffEngine.

April 25
Making great headway on Iteration 3 even though this was only our second meeting for it. Playback, estimated at 6hrs, is done in 4. Playback Position, also 6hrs, is also done in 4.

Ed and Toby:
Finished up Playback Position with observer and all. Also opened and closed a bug regarding lost selection in the Palette after a color edit. Made plans for adding unclicking. Opened two more bugs in Sourceforge (synching and unclicking).

Andrew and Colin:
Did Playback. It works and is nice. The playback position in GUI is not correct with the sound coming out. Looked at it, but nothing done yet. Also helped with the observer stuff by making ComposerEngine an Observable object (and implementing Runnable instead of extending from Thread).

April 29
Wrapping up the semester. Not much functionality needed to get done. Just some odds and ends.

Checked in the 'unclick' bug fix. Worked on getting playback position synched with GUI. Got it to work after not the prettiest fixes. ComposerEngine now "suspends" and "resumes" when "stop" and "play" are pressed. Checked in this code. Added code to make color chooser pop up when adding a riff file to the palette. Checked in this code as well. Closed the two bugs fixed.

Learned JavaDoc and taught everyone else. Learned about packages and got them to work well, but didn't check in code because everyone else was writing JavaDoc comments.

Andrew, Colin, and Jason:
Worked individually on commenting RiffDesigner files in JavaDoc format. Andrew guided us, figuring out all we had to do by the end of the semester. Andrew also came up with a fix for InstrumentButton update problems. We were storing the name in the button without extension, then the name with extension was getting saved in the state. This should be fixed now because he and Jason added it to their files, but all the files are on different accounts, so we won't know for sure until next week when everyone checks in.

May 2
Added JavaDoc documentation to designer and composer. Tested most recent revisions of designer and composer.

Added JavaDoc documentation to designer and composer.

Tried to remove empty directories in CVS and failed. (Agonizing.) Created designer, composer, and util packages. Checked in newly packaged code:
All other files in CVS are old, and most of them should be deleted.

Tried to remove empty directories in CVS and failed. (Agonized with Andrew.) Removed CVS aliases, which helped, but still didn't let us delete directories. Generated JavaDocs for new code. (Works for newly packaged code!) Created Music Sequencer homepage and added JavaDocs to it. (Yes, we have a homepage now!)

Updated 2001-06-29. Copyright (c) 2001 Music Sequencer Group

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