Group Roles

Programmer - All members
Estimates stories, defines engineering tasks from stories, estimates how long stories and tasks will take, implements stories and Unit Tests.

Customer - Andrew Rosenfeld
Writes User Stories and specifies Functional Tests. Sets priorities, explains stories, participates in Planning Game.

Manager - Colin Miller
Schedules meetings, makes sure the meeting process is followed, records results of meeting for future reporting, passes to Tracker. Personnel responsibilities. Does not tell people what to do (Customer and Iteration Plan do that), when to be done (Commitment Schedule), or check to see how they're doing (Tracker). Brings candy and snacks. (quite good ones)

Tracker - Ed Sibbald
At end of each session, asks each Programmer how they are doing, listens to the answer, takes action if things seem to be going off track. Also responsible for writing up brief progress reports.

Coach - Andrew Rosenfeld
Watches everything, makes sure the project stays Extreme. Helps with anything. Applies Rolled Up Newspaper as required.

Update 2001-06-29, Copyright (c) 2001 Music Sequencer Group

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